February 26, 2014

Sharing my Happiness

Everyone has those little things in life that just make their days better, smiles bigger, and hearts a few degrees warmer.  Don't pretend like you don't.  Whether it is a yummy dessert, a certain song writer, or a board on pinterest! We all have those simple pleasures that make us so so happy! I can name ten of my "happy" things in life.  In no specific order.

1.  Puppies
     I cringe when people say "I'm a Cat person..." What does that even mean?  Unless you are referring to Shlynny on the Cats, just don't mention cats around me. Comparing cats to dogs is like comparing ice cream to celery.  We all know which one is better.

I don't think I have ever related to a quote so closely before.
2. Café Rio
    I don't know what it is but nothing beats Café Rio tortillas, Sweet pork, and their creamy house dressing! Holy cow, if my mouth was in love, Café Rio would be it's soul mate.

3. Man Candy
    Sometimes you  just need a celebrity crush to get you through the day.  So who is on my list?

Bradley Cooper

Eric Dane
Aaron Rogers
two words.
Football Player.
Actually, let's make that three words.
SEXY Football Player.
Harry Connick Jr.
I know, I know! He is more than twice my age. But seriously. Look at him. I don't know if it is his face or his humor that I love more.  But something about him just gets me! American Idol may not have the best contestants this year, but I definitely will be watching JUST for Harry!


Well this "man-candy" list could go on forever, but let's move on...

4. Soft Blankets and Fluffy Pillows
    Okay, my fantasy of cuddling one of the hotties listed above may never come true, but I will always have soft blankets and fluffy pillows! Nothing beats taking a nap like taking a nap with a soft blanket and fluffy pillow.

5. T.V. Shows
  Yes, being a lazy butt and watching T.V. really CAN make you happy. If you don't agree, then you probably don't own a T.V.. My favorite shows include The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Parks and Recreations, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, Parenthood, Saturday Night Live, The Bachelor, Nashville, oh gosh there are so many! I am probably forgetting some!

6.  Singing in the shower
     Is it just me, or does your voice sound way better in the shower? I love pretending I am an American Idol for those few minutes in the shower every morning.

7. The Beach
     Sand, Sun, and Water. The ingredients to happiness. No joke. Why in the world do people go to places like Paris.  Too walk around a boring city, with boring people, and boring sight seeing? I would much rather go to the beach, ANY day. (No offense to my French loving friends, it's just not my thing I guess.)

8. My Cats
    You know what I'm talking about. Those six beaut's who are my best friends, and I am lucky to call them my cats.  It's a long story how we got that name, it has to do with a large Cafe Rio order, a long road trip, and a day at the beach. Love my cats more than anything though.  They can cheer me up so easily. I love them more than I love Christmas. I love them more than I love Grey's Anatomy.

9. My family
     Yep, 14 of the coolest people I know. Okay, technically I don't "Know" one of those people yet. Because she is still in my sister's fat belly. But, I know she is going to be pretty great because I am her aunt... My family can always make me smile.

10. Food
      My favorite foods are Red Velvet Cake, Peanut Butter Cups, Movie theater popcorn,              gelato, Lucky Charm marshmallows, Oreos, pringles, sushi, Mashed Potatoes, Café Rio, Pizzeria Limone, Bacon, Chicken nuggets, and pretty much any food with little nutritional value. Obviously.
The truth is, there are so many things in this awesome world that make me happy.
I am very blessed.

February 8, 2014

2014, 3rd times the charm...

Dear whoever this is that actually takes the time to read about my life.
You may have been looking at my blog the past few weeks and been thinking to yourself.."Wow, Ashlyn is one lazy chick" but really I am not.  I just have been having so much fun. I have had no time to update my blog.  I'm a really cool person you know.... So that may have been a lie.  I have had a few opportunities to blog.  And I took those opportunities, I really truly did! Twice actually! I sat down on January 1, 2014 in Hawaii to update my blog for the first time this year.  I started it off listing one exciting thing in each month of that year. So here is what that looked like.

January- Stringham's visited Salt Lake City from Spokane.
February- Weston got his mission call to New Mexico! Went skiing with friend's and Zach Clegg hurt his shoulder.
March- Difibrullator Surgery, Moved into New Olympus High School
April- Spent spring break in St. George and Lake Powell with Carly and Courtney
May- Turned 18 years old! Had the best birthday ever! Moved Stringhams from Spokane, Washington to Miami, Florida. Went to Senior Prom with Jason Hoggard, went to best concert of my life (IMAGINE DRAGONS) with my favorite people! (Carly, Courtney, Tessa, Taylor, and Ruby) Finished Senior Year!
June- Graduated from High School, Melissa and her kiddos were able to come visit. Went on Senior Trip to Newport Beach, California with my friends! Traveled to Mexico with Mom and Dad to pick Jeff up from his two year mission!
July- Visited Melissa in Miami with Mom, Dad, and Jeff! Spent fourth of July in Miami. Went to Lake Powell with family, and Carly of course! Went Snorkeling in the middle of Utah, WITH SHARKS! Spent 24th of July with Courtney at a Bee's baseball game!
August- Went to Newport Beach, California with family. Finished summer off with a bang! Started College!
September- Utah Utes won the "Holy War" against BYU! I love football season! Ruby got her mission call to Oaxaca, Mexico! Beginning of Fall, said goodbye to warm weather!
October- Went to Disneyland! Celebrated Halloween with lots of friends, I dressed up as "Shlynny Cat"
November- Christmas Spirit was in the air. Reunited almost all of the cats for a sleepover (we missed Courtney) Sister Hailey Twede got her mission call to Russia!
December- Christmas Time! Enjoyed the many perks of the season, skiing, temple square, Christmas lights, hot coco, and of course Shlynny and the Cats second annual Holiday Bash. We get together every year at Christmas time, have a pajama exchange, and sleepover! Fun Fun, for everyone! Andrea announced the sex of her baby. GIRL! Had an awesome Christmas with my family, got a new Camera from Santa, and spent the rest of the holiday break in Hawaii!

So 2013 treated me pretty good you could say!

Hawaii after Christmas was so much fun! I went with my Parents, Andrea, Sean, Josh, Lindsay, and Jeff.  Unfortunately, the Stringham's weren't able to make it this year.

Here are pictures from the trip! My favorite part was when we went whale watching!

This Sea Lion wanted to eat me. My brother was trying to take the picture and he couldn't get me in the frame so he kept saying "Scoot closer to it Ashlyn!" and every time I scooted closer to the dang thing, it turned it's head to me and made the scariest noises I have ever heard a living creature make! Not exaggerating, if the sea lion had a "People to Kill" List, I would be number one. Guaranteed.

This is how you bring in the New Year, Hawaiian Style!
So the trip was fun, and that isn't even a 1/4 of the pictures I took! Just a few I thought were cute.  So it is 2014 now!

In January, Jeff, Mom, Dad, and I flew down to Miami to visit some of our FAVORITE people! The Stringhams! We drove to the West side of Florida with them when we got there. (the Gulf of Mexico side) and went to a place called "Marco Island' It was amazing! We stayed there the rest of the weekend at a hotel. We had such a blast collecting shells, swimming, and just hanging out! I love those nieces and nephew of mine so much!

Could my nieces and nephews be ANY CUTER?!
So since then, life has just been going on! School, Work, and partying! (one of those three things is a lie)
Do you know what the cool kids are doing on Saturday nights these days? uploading their blogs and listening to Disney music....I guess you could consider me one of the coolest kids in Utah right now because I am doing both of those things!
Here are a few other things that happened this year!
Ruby had her farewell! It was sad to see her go, but knowing that she will be such an amazing missionary makes me happy!
The Last time Shlynny and the Cats will ALL be together for almost 2 years!

Also me and some of my friends went to the ski competitions in deer valley! We had an awesome time! The skiers were amazing! There were even a few Olympians there competing!
Another fun thing that happened is that my long time buddy Alice Abrams got her mission call! She is going to Cincinnati! She leave in June and is going to be speaking English! So amazing! I love Alice! She has always been one of my best friends!

 Well, if something cool happens to me (like a shark bites off my right leg, or I become BFF with a hobo at taco bell) I will be sure to update you all about it.
Let's hope neither of those things happen.