September 29, 2013


feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful

There is no greater feeling in the world than gratefullness.  Seriously.  There are alot of things in the world that I am grateful for. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, famliy, a warm home, my education, nature, Utah, Lake Powell, Christmas, the list could go on for miles. But one thing stood out to me this weekend more than anything. Friends.  On Friday, me and Carly tagged along to a haunted house, with a group of friends that we don't usually hang out with.  We will call this group of friends, THE BLUE CREW. (I don't want to name names here) The Blue Crew is a group of girls who hang out every weekend, and they call each other their best friends. But there is something missing. When I am with these blue crew girls individually, they are gossiping about each other. They talk about each other badly, and they fight over everything.  They have let so many things come between them.  When I am with this group, all I can think about is Drama, and this makes me sad. Today was Sunday, and it was a farewell day for my cute friend Austin Birch. Carly, Kelsey, and I made our way into the chapel and found an empty bench. When we sat down, I noticed the Blue Crew plopped down on the bench directlly in front of us. That's when it hit me. These girls were miserable. They all had sad faces, they weren't happy to be with eachother. They were hardly even taking.  These girls weren't even friends. They may call each other that, but they do not know the meaning friend.  These girls make each other cry, they hurt each other, they fake their friendship, and then destroy one another behind eachother's backs.  It hurts seeing a friendship like this.  My mind wandered off during the sacrament meeting.  I wanted to yell at these girls, tell them to be nice and to shape up. But all I could feel was gratitude. My heart felt warm, and although I felt bad for the blue crew, they made me so grateful for my girls. My Cats. My Best friends in the whole world.  My friends would never hurt eachother, nothing negative was ever said about my friends.  They know what the true meaning of friendship is, and I wouldn't trade my friendship with them for anything. Because of them I am happy. Because of them I am a better person. Because of them, I am truly grateful. I wish they didn't have to move away, I wish college never came. But sitting here now I realize that I don't need to make new friends. I will carry our friendship throughout my whole life.  These girls will be the bridesmaids at my wedding, they will be there through my trials, and they will be in my heart forever! I couldn't ask for better friends! So thank you Courtney, for always having my back, thank you taylor, for always having someting postive to say, thank you Zoe for being there to talk, thank you Tessa for helping me become a better daughter of God, thank you Ruby for inspiring me every day, and thank you Carly, for making me laugh every single day. xoxo LOVE YOU CATS!


  1. Wow, we really do have the best friends, don't we? Love you!

  2. aw this made me cry. You are the best Shlynny. Thank you for helping me realize how blessed I am. :) xoxo
