June 23, 2014

FUN is all I can say....

Hold up. 
Where is summer going?
Why can't I just freeze time.

I wish I could control time,
but maybe it is a good thing that I don't have any control over time...
Those of you who know me know that I would go back in time to much.
I definitely love the past, and sometimes I forget to live in the present.

I want to go back to Elementary Summer's.
Where sleepovers on the trampoline were held weekly.
Bewitch marathons happened often.
Popsicles and Mac N" Cheese were eaten daily.
and not a care in the world was given.

I could go on about the past. 
But let's take a step back into the present.
Well not the present literally because PRESENTLY I am laying in my bed, at 2 AM.

Let's just have flashback to about a week ago. 

I got a pedicure on Friday with mom. Success as always!

Friday night I babysat.
Then I went on a midnight IN'N'OUT run with Courtney who got in from Washington that night!
(thumbs up)

Saturday I woke up early, met Carly and Courtney for breakfast.
Then I went to Lagoon with Carly's sister Olivia!

We had a good time laughing til' our stomach's hurt on all of (most of) the rides!

Saturday night I went to the ONE REPUBLIC CONCERT with my cute friends!
We (meaning I) danced my heart out.
I love concerts, I can tell you that...

Were my friend's embarrassed of me dancing and singing to every song? Likely.
Did I enjoy every minute of it? Positively!


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