July 7, 2014

and everything in between....

I have not been the best at keeping up this summer, have I? Okay well where to begin... We got home from Lake Powell Sunday night. (June 22) Of course the first thing I did when I got home was go to Carly's house for cookies. I guess we couldn't stand being apart after that whole week together! Courtney came for cookies too. We had a great time! 

Monday night I went to a work party at the Abrams house! It was a pool party and Cafe Rio catered. YUM! I came fully dressed, with curled hair, makeup and all! But I should have known better. Going to the Abrams house with an open pool, I should have worn a swimsuit. Yup. I got pushed in.

Tuesday night I went to my home ward's carnival! It was fun! There was a pie eating contest, and a kid threw a pie at his friend but his friend ducked and the pie NAILED me! I left the party covered in pie, but not without getting the kid who threw it back first! The boy who threw it is named Josh Abrams, and yes his dad is my boss! It was quite the riot, and it ended up being a pie war rather than a eating contest.

On Wednesday morning, Phil, Tyler and I woke up bright and early to go to the temple...but when we got there we discovered that it was closed for cleaning! So we did the next best thing, we went to Sharon's Cafe for breakfast!
Thursday I helped Carly all day with a special video project she was putting together for her brother's Eagle Scout! It was a lot of work getting all of the pictures together! We took a break that evening and went to the mall, Jeff has been determined to get Carly a new phone for a long time now. We finally convinced her to buy my Dad's old Iphone. So we went to the mall to go have t-mobile switch it to her account, and get the phone a case. We had a good time in the apple store, and I think I speak for everyone when I say CARLY GETTING AN IPHONE IS PRETTY EXCITING! 


Friday I helped Carly with the video some more, then me and my cute friends headed up to JACKSON HOLE for the weekend! We had a blast! 

We got to Jackson late Friday night. On Saturday morning we woke up, ate breakfast in a Teepee, river rafted down a freezing cold river, snuck into a hotel to hot tub, got ready, went to dinner in town, walked around the town, got old fashion candy, then we drove 45 minutes to a small town in Idaho just west of the border where our friend Phil Naylor was staying there with his family and had invited us to go to the annual Huntsman firework show. Jeff drove up from Bear Lake and met us there also!

 The Huntsmans own a golf course up there along with a huge piece of property.  Every year they have a fundraiser firework show where the Beach Boys perform.  It was SPECTACULAR! 
Plus Carly bought me a corn dog. So pretty much it was a perfect scenario. 

I drove back Sunday night with Carly and Jeff. We hung out at Tyler's house when we got home. Me, Maren, Anna, Phil, and Tyler snuggled on the pool cover that night and talked until 2 in the morning. We had a blast!


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