July 24, 2014

Just Because

My blog is my journal, so I should use it to record important memories, right? Here are some important memories of this week, that I may want to or even need to remember in the future.
 Friends are, and will be one of the most important thing's you have in this world. Next to family, of course.

Anna and Carly.
The girls I laugh the hardest with, share the most secrets with, stay up the latest with, and make the most memories with. 
The two that can make me happy, get me through anything, and always have my back!

Cheer's to being our little trio for almost a year now, Love you guys more than corndogs. 
(there are few people in my life that will understand that amount of love, coming from me)

Yesterday Anna, Carly, and I headed down to City Creek shopping center in downtown Salt Lake City. We also got to visit the Temple Square grounds, which is honestly one of my favorite places in this world. And believe me, I have been a lot of places.

We got yummy treats at Kneader's Bakery.
We shopped around.
We had a really good time, laughing, talking about boys as if we were in Jr. High again, and enjoying each other's company.

Literally the most beautiful building in the world, with the most beautiful people in the world!

Today, the three of us went up to the University of Utah to attend an institute class!
We arrived only to find out that it was cancelled for the holiday weekend.
We had a good time exploring the institute building, sending out funny snapchats, and then going to Cafe Rio for dinner

One thing about Carly is that she really loves selfies...obviously...^^^


Did Carly drop my phone into my burrito at Cafe Rio? Yes. Did we laugh about it nonstop and snapchat it to everyone we know? Absolutely!


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